My Faith,  The Melting Pot,  When God Speaks

The Value of Gifts Given in Dreams

Although dreams can seem a random collection of thoughts and ideas, a sort of decluttering of the mind, I believe often these mysteries of the night are what dream teacher, John Paul Jackson would refer to as parabolic messages, where a story or thought is related in symbols. Parables are often associated with stories in the Bible. It was the way Jesus commonly shared his teachings. 

Although there may be many details in a dream, with numerous symbols, the overall meaning of a dream can usually be found in a few significant symbols. Significant symbols will stand out as more vivid or real, and are typically more memorable. They may be people you recognize, a car you’re driving, food you’re cooking or what you’re wearing. I once dreamt I was walking around in the rain with socks on. The socks represented the fact I was not yet fully prepared for the journey I was on. Although my feet were dry in the present rain, I was still just wearing socks. It was a distinct detail that stood out. 

Especially important is anything given to you in a dream. For most it’s not a regular occurrence, and for me personally, anything given to me in a dream has always been meaningful in relationship to my natural life. Most of these items have been symbolic, where the item represented some facet of my natural life, although a few have been more prophetic, where I am given something in a dream, that I later receive in the natural. A few years ago, I dreamt a beautiful woman interrupted a dream I was in, to give me a small case holding three tiny snakes colored with alternating bands of black and white. They represented a three year season of trials and temptations. In another dream I was given an anointed wrap a woman was wearing around her waist or perhaps it might be more appropriate to say her loins, because there is a strong biblical association related to the loins and being prepared for service. Whatever the item, when we are given things in dreams we should always accept them and take notice of who is gifting us. You may actually witness this acceptance or you may not, but prepare yourself now to have a willingness to accept gifts in your dreams. Generally they are from God and are related to our service in this natural world.

If you pay attention, you may begin to see your dreams are not so random either.

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