Feasting & Fasting-Part 4: Prayer and Fasting
It’s a little ironic that as I begin writing this last piece of our series, I am recently recovered from an unintended fast due to a GI virus. Thankfully these viruses are usually short-lived, and although I’m fitting in my “skinny pants” today, most of us survive these illnesses without any long term effects, including lasting weight loss. Of course fasting when you’re sick or for medical purposes is a completely different topic than what we’re discussing here, so let’s go to the Bible to begin our real discussion. To summarize the Biblical definition, fasting is a voluntary reduction or elimination of food or drink for a specific time and…
Be My Valentine…
It was at the beginning of this month that I asked God for a word, and within a few moments “love” came to mind. I thanked God, acknowledging that it seemed very timely in this Valentine season and went on my way. Over the course of the days that followed, I’ve pondered this crazy thing called love and wondered what God wanted me to see beyond all the red and pink hearts and tantalizing chocolates decorating the shopping aisles. It wasn’t until yesterday that I began to understand that God wanted me to consider more fully the unconditional sincerity of his love. He wanted me to see what it means…
What we learn from Martha
You may not have been fortunate enough to have a grandmother named Martha, like I did, but if you’ve spent enough time in church you’ve heard of Martha, the sister of Mary and Lazarus. They were friends and followers of Jesus who generously offered hospitality in his travels. During a particular visit recorded in Luke 10:38-42, Jesus was teaching a number of people in their home and Martha was apparently busy with preparations of some kind, possibly waiting on everyone, while her sister, Mary, sat at the feet of Jesus listening to him teach. Martha being slightly disgruntled at having to do all the work, interrupts Jesus to complain, and…
Feasting & Fasting Part 3: Preparation for the Feast
We’ve finally made it to the main course and are ready to talk feasting. So at this point you’re probably hungry and wondering what there is to talk about. We all know “feasting” and need no instruction on the subject, right? Yet in our culture, where food is so much more than sustenance, I wonder do we really know feasting or is it just another day of eating? If we look to the Bible, feasting is always associated with a celebration or a holy day. It’s important to understand that although a celebration may include feasting, the feast isn’t usually the focus of the celebration. Some may come to a…