The Value of Gifts Given in Dreams
Although dreams can seem a random collection of thoughts and ideas, a sort of decluttering of the mind, I believe often these mysteries of the night are what dream teacher, John Paul Jackson would refer to as parabolic messages, where a story or thought is related in symbols. Parables are often associated with stories in the Bible. It was the way Jesus commonly shared his teachings. Although there may be many details in a dream, with numerous symbols, the overall meaning of a dream can usually be found in a few significant symbols. Significant symbols will stand out as more vivid or real, and are typically more memorable. They may…
Happy Thanksgiving!
These are crazy times, though despite the craziness we must try to remember, the purpose of life isn’t found in long life, it’s found in living a full life…exploring the world and journeying with those we love at our side. That’s not meant to encourage reckless behavior, but rather a reminder that living a full life often requires risk…leaping into the unknowns and celebrating the outcomes. We never accomplish anything of value without facing the challenges and uncertainties of the path we follow. Please be safe, but choose today to live fully throughout this holiday season. We aren’t guaranteed next year or even next week to make up for lost…
The Big Holiday Lie
With the holiday season already in bloom, the question these days is what to do with all these COVID restrictions? Most of the guidelines restrict gatherings to groups of 10 or less. In some areas it’s even fewer with specifics given on how many households can be represented at one particular gathering, and of course, there is the endless insistence upon showing up to all of your holiday gatherings donning that filthy mask crumpled on your floorboard. While the recommendations are there for in person gatherings, the majority of our public officials are pushing for a virtual holiday. I even received an email from my health insurance provider offering “creative”…
Health, Wealth & Prosperity
The blessings of God are real. The Bible is full of stories that tell of God’s presence and blessing upon his faithful servants. We see it throughout the Old Testament, in the lives of the Patriarchs, Joseph, King David, Job and many others. If we read nothing beyond their years of blessing it’s easy to see why many might believe righteous living is always rewarded with perpetual good health, wealth and prosperity, but is this what the Bible really teaches? Sure David became king and Joseph ruled over Egypt, but there was great hardship in their long journey to prosperity. David spent years on the run, eluding the envious wrath…
Divorce, Remarriage & The Bible
Although we think of divorce as something unique to our modern world, divorce is nearly as old as marriage itself. It is recorded in Ancient Mesopotamia, Rome and Greece, and is addressed in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Before Mosaic Law an Israelite could easily send his wife on her way with nothing, for any reason, and still demand she return if he later changed his mind. It made her undesirable for marriage to others and likely subjected her to a life in poverty if her husband never called her back. Although the Bible is clear that God’s intention for marriage is that it be a…