• Love & Relationships,  My Faith,  The Melting Pot

    How Free Love Broke A Nation

    We live in a culture that scoffs at what might be referred to as, “the prudish ideals of generations past”. Uncommitted sex has become the norm, an icon for the masses, a prerequisite for marriage, a right of passage into adulthood, a viable entertainment option. It’s entrenched in pop culture: music, movies, advertisements and fashion. There are few parts of our lives untouched by the glimmer of sexual immorality. Yes, sexual immorality…it’s an ugly word, conjuring images of golden idols and God’s wrath, but is it really just sexual activity in the throes of drunken pagan worship from the Old Testament? The truth is sexual immorality is simply any sexual…

  • My Faith,  The Melting Pot

    Alone in the World

    Many people believe you shouldn’t feel lonely if you are with others, but I can attest to the fact we can be surrounded by people and still feel very disconnected and alone. One of the darkest seasons of my life was when I was still living at home, surrounded by family, yet inside I was sinking into the depths of something I couldn’t escape. I was alone in a world where I didn’t feel I belonged, going through the motions of living a hopeless existence, and everything I did to break free from the darkness only strengthened its grip. It was during this time I began to consider suicide and…

  • The Melting Pot

    The Purpose of a Mask Mandate

    We’re all accustomed to rules that bring order to our world and keep us safe, and most of us don’t think twice about why we shouldn’t drive drunk or take things that don’t belong to us. These rules just make sense and are enforced by our justice system. In the not so distant past, I remember living by the rules and somehow I still felt like a free-living American with some power over my own life and decisions. Apart from the responsibilities of my job and family, I went where I wanted, wore what I wanted, and did what I wanted to do. No one was guilting me over not…

  • The Melting Pot

    The Purpose of a Snack Mandate

    I’m fairly compliant by nature and although I might fuss a little over the inconvenience of having to follow particular rules, I’m all for law and order, and am grateful for those who help keep us accountable; at least most of the time. Upon occasion I run into situations where the rules just don’t make sense, and no matter how you flip it around in your head, the purpose seems lost. These are the enigmas that make up this series, Lost in Execution. We begin with The Purpose of a Snack Mandate. Last week my little girl started back to preschool. It was an exciting day to see her heading…